Become a Member
Membership is open to the community, national, regional, or global organisations and groups (registered or otherwise) who agree and align with the objectives of the Global Campaign over the course of the Campaign. Below is our criteria and process.
- Membership is open for national, regional, or global organizations and groups (registered or otherwise).
- Members must be working on family law-related issues (e.g., consent in marriage, divorce rights, inheritance, etc.), or intersecting women’s rights issues (Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), Gender Based Violence (GBV), child marriage, and economic rights of women e.t.c).
- Members must have a shared commitment to human rights and feminist movement building and align with the values of the Global Campaign as being an intersectional, diverse, and inclusive campaign that bases its advocacy on the lived realities of women and girls, the recognition of the family in all its diverse forms and human rights principles.
- The Member demonstrates willingness to:
- Advocate – Actively engage in Global Campaign initiatives and joint actions, including at the national, regional or global levels;
- Participate – Actively participating in joint actions in a consistent and quality manner;
- Connect – Support the expansion of the Campaign’s mandate by connecting and if possible referring suitable actors to get involved with the Campaign.
What can members expect?
Members can expect the following benefits and opportunities through the Global Campaign:
Involvement in global and regional advocacy for equality in family law, policy and practice:
Members can be a part of global and regional advocacy targeting key government missions at the UN and national governments, including mobilizing relevant governments to undertake reforms and make pledges leading to and at the UNGA Beijing +30 event in September 2025. They can participate and share information about events at various inter-governmental fora, have the opportunity to be a part of regional and global convenings, and be co-sponsors of joint statements and events etc.
Amplification of movements at the national-level:
Through advocacy initiatives members will engage in initiatives and networking events that encourage governments to reform discriminatory family laws and commit to making time-bound pledges leading to and during the Beijing +30 event. They can provide inputs on priority countries and subject to funding may receive support for strategic campaign activities such as advocacy training for local civil society, related research components, etc.
Building thought leadership and expertise on family law and reform:
Members can share expertise and give advice and inputs on various national, regional or international processes. They can help to identify “Champion” Countries and “Ambassadors” (countries and religious and customary communities), that have recently reformed their family laws to remove gender discrimination who could be “champions” in their region and/or internationally and encourage other countries to follow suit.
‘A global pulse on the issue’ – Staying informed with information and resources relevant to reform of family laws, policies and practices:
Members will have access to regular information about events relevant to push for reform of discriminatory family laws on global, regional, and national level; policies and practices – including briefings, advocacy meetings, workshops; and research and resources to support national groups in developing national advocacy strategies and preparatory lobbying for Beijing +30 pledging event and for the global advocacy campaign.
How to apply
- This information is for the Global Campaign for Equality in Family Law (GCEFL)’s internal purposes only. It helps us understand the degree to which our membership is reflective of the diversity of the movements we aim to serve.
- Applicants can fill out the form online or download and send via email to:
- All applications will be reviewed as per the membership criteria and submission of an application does not entail automatic membership.
- During the review process, potential members may be asked for additional information pertaining to their application.
- Applicants can expect to receive a decision on their applications within 2 months of submission.
- The application process for GCEFL membership is free, and there are no annual membership fees.