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Ending Discrimination Against Women in Family Law is Vital for Economic Progress

Ending Discrimination Against Women in Family Law is Vital for Economic Progress


April 3, 2023

Discriminatory family laws and policies that restrict women’s access to educational opportunities, employment, inheritance, p...

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Raising the Alarm on the Slow Pace of Family Law Reform

Raising the Alarm on the Slow Pace of Family Law Reform


December 22, 2022

In September 2021, in the midst of a pandemic-related lockdown, a 15-year-old Muslim girl from Colombo, Sri Lanka, was married ...

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Ensuring Women Have Equal Rights To Inheritance And Property Is Key To Tackling Climate Change

Ensuring Women Have Equal Rights To Inheritance And Property Is Key To Tackling Climate Change


June 23, 2022

To mitigate against the worst impacts of climate change, we urgently need to eliminate discriminatory laws and cultural practic...

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The best path to gender equality is through family law reform

The best path to gender equality is through family law reform


March 8, 2022

If we want to embed gender equality, we must tackle discriminatory family laws. For the past 20 years, International Women’s ...

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